
What is Liver Disease?

What is Liver Disease?

August 19, 2016
What is Liver Disease? The liver is the largest internal organ and the largest gland within the human body. It is approximately the size of a football and serves as important metabolic functions. The liver produces...
The Science Behind Kidney Disease Prevention

The Science Behind Kidney Disease Prevention

July 22, 2016
Nearly 1 in 3 Americans are at risk for developing kidney disease, but many are not aware. Kidney damage can go unnoticed for years until chronic symptoms arise. Typically, kidney disease and damage is caused by...
How do researchers know if a clinical study is a success?

How do researchers know if a clinical study is a success?

May 31, 2016
Clinical trials help researchers compare and contrast medications, which leads to better outcomes for patients across the country. The main objective of a researcher is to collect data to establish the effects of an...
The Four Phases of Clinical Research

The Four Phases of Clinical Research

May 19, 2016
Clinical trials are comprised of a series of phases, focused on comprehensively investigating an experimental treatment or medication’s side effects, effectiveness and safety. All medications or treatments must...
What is the meaning of informed consent?

What is the meaning of informed consent?

April 22, 2016
For those who are new the clinical trials, the process begins with verifying the individual eligibility and discussing the volunteer experience and establishing consent for participation. The Informed Consent form is...
Why Are Women And Minorities So Important To Clinical Research?

Why Are Women And Minorities So Important To Clinical Research?

March 2, 2016
Clinical researchers go to great lengths to understand how medications will impact segments of the greater population. Given the singularity of every patient’s genetic makeup and family background, it is important...
Why Aren’t More Clinical Studies Taking Place?

Why Aren’t More Clinical Studies Taking Place?

February 22, 2016
Clinical trials are a critical step between pharmaceutical development and distribution to the public. These important studies rely on participants in order to obtain drug safety and efficacy data. All clinical...
Which diseases are clinical researchers working to treat?

Which diseases are clinical researchers working to treat?

January 28, 2016
Clinical trials exist to help treat and prevent illnesses and chronic medical conditions and offer researchers a deeper understanding of medication’s effect on the human body. Different kinds of clinical trials...
How does the HIPAA privacy rule affect clinical trials procedures?

How does the HIPAA privacy rule affect clinical trials procedures?

January 4, 2016
Clinical studies rely on patient data; but before obtaining this information, study participants must first be clear on what they are signing up for. The United States Government takes personal health information very...
How can we be certain FDA-approved medications are safe for human consumption?

How can we be certain FDA-approved medications are safe for human consumption?

November 30, 2015
Americans spend a lot of money on medicine – nearly $375 Billion last year alone. Whether they’re refilling a prescription, keeping their medicine cabinet fully stocked with their favorite over-the-counter drugs, or...