January 29, 2019
How Does Weight Affect Health?
With the new year only a few weeks in and many people trying to lose that extra holiday weight, now is a good time to consider the long-term effects of weight gain. Packing on some extra...
January 10, 2019
5 Tips to Stay Healthy in the New Year
It’s that time of year! Many people are reflecting on the last 365 days and thinking forward to the next. Have you set any New Year’s Resolutions for 2019? Did you fulfill...
November 30, 2018
Seven Ways to Keep Your Organs Healthy
Sun up to sun down, your body’s organs are working together to keep you healthy. Your liver breaks down harmful substances in your body, excreting that waste into your blood;...
October 29, 2018
What do kidneys do?
The kidneys, two fist-sized organs located on either side of the spine, perform a life-sustaining role in the body— removing toxins from the body, regulating fluids and preventing excessive...
September 28, 2018
The overarching goal of clinical studies is to determine whether existing medical treatments can be modified for increased effectiveness, and/or whether new medical advancements are more effective than standard...
August 29, 2018
How Do Data Privacy Laws Affect Clinical Trials?
Clinical research, and specifically clinical trials, are a vital part of maintaining and improving the effectiveness of modern medicine. Many medical advancements are...
July 27, 2018
Clinical Study Volunteer Protection: Understanding Your Rights
Medical research innovations and scientific breakthroughs are rooted in data that is predominantly obtained in clinical trials. These important studies...
June 25, 2018
How Does Randomization Affect Clinical Trials?
Scientific validity is a top priorty in clinical trials and thus, methodologies and processes are essential to the overall success of the study. Clinical trials are...
May 30, 2018
Clinical Trials 101: A guide to Understanding Clinical Research Language
Clinical research relies upon an ongoing process that evolves as new data becomes available. Any and all medical treatments that are used now...
April 25, 2018
Is a Career in Clinical Research Right for Me?
Clinical research has led to the development of countless scientific breakthroughs—in fact, before any drug or treatment can become FDA-approved and publicly available,...